Tools and Systems
Included in this article:
- Overview
- How to Punch In and Out for your Shift
- How to Punch In and Out for your Breaks
- Time Off Requests
- Viewing Balances
1. Overview
TDG employees use Payworks to track their attendance for payroll purposes.
2. How to Punch In and Out for your Shift
It is critical to punch in and our for your shifts. This is how you get paid! To punch in:
- Login to your Payworks account
- Under ‘Time Management’ select ‘Web Time’
- Select ‘Start Shift’
Note: At the end of your day, you will complete the same above steps of 1 & 2, however step three will require you to select ‘End Work’ to have the system register that you have completed your shift for that day.
3. How to Punch In and Out for your Breaks
- Login to your Payworks account
- Under ‘Time Management’ select ‘Web Time’
- Click on the Unspecified dropdown arrow
- Select the break you wish to take (15 minute paid break, 30 minute unpaid break)
- Select 'Start Break'
Note: At the end of your break, you will complete the same above steps of 1 & 2, however step three will require you to select ‘End Break’ to have the system register that you have completed your break.
4. Time Off Requests
1. Login to your Payworks account
2. Under Absence Management select Time Off Requests
3. Determine if this request is for a past date or a future date, and choose your selection at the top left hand of your screen
4. Press the teal Add Icon. This will open a new screen to the right side of the page
a. Under Time off Request, chose the reason that you are requesting for the day off (PLD, Banked Hours, Vacation, Bereavement)
b. In the From field, choose the date from the calendar icon that you would like to start your away time, or the past date in which you are requesting for
c. In the To field, choose the date from the calendar icon that you would like to return.
d. You can add in comments if you would like to bring any additional details to this request by selecting the ‘+’ icon.
e. Click the box of the personal that you would like to send this time off request too for approval
i. Approvals should be sent to Sara-Anne Gatchell
f. Select the Details tab to review your hours (this is needed for team members who work 10 hour shifts as Payworks defaults the system to 8 hours). Adjust your start and end time to reflect when you normally work.
5. Press Save
Note: If you are requesting time away, we cannot submit Payworks requests for days we do not normally work or are scheduled for. This means, if we normally do not work Tuesdays, we would not include Tuesday in our time off request. This may result in multiple requests needing to be submitted.
5. Viewing Balances
Use the below procedure when you are wanting to review what PLD, Banked Hours, or Vacation hours you have available/remaining.
1. Login to Payworks
2. Under Absence Management, select Time Off Requests
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will be able to see what is available/remaining