TDG Invoicing & CSO Charges
Invoices Billed in Error (BIE)
In this article:
- Overview
- Item has been invoiced into the guest home, when it was refused and in TDG possession BIE Procedure
- Return only partially came back to TDG, but all items invoiced as returned BIE Procedure
- Return item was invoiced into SNL, but did not come back to TDG BIE Procedure
- Exchange BIE Procedure
1. Overview
Occasionally an order (sales / exchange / return) is billed in error. This must be corrected immediately to ensure that the guest’s invoice is correct, and our inventory is
accurate. There are several types of possible BIEs which include:
§ The item being invoiced into the guest home, when it was refused and in TDG possession:
§ Part of the return was only partially brought back to TDG
§ If the return item was invoiced into SNL but did not come back to TDG
§ An exchange invoiced in error
2. Use this process when fixing a BIE due to the item being invoiced into the guest home, when it was refused and in TDG possession:
1. Create an exchange as per standard operating procedure, for the item(s) that were invoiced in error including the following steps:
§ Mark the item as INC
§ Mark the item(s) as not AS IS.
§ Review to ensure there is no balance owing on the exchange.
§ Enter in the delivery code into the Merchandise tab. This will be based upon the guest’s original chosen delivery service. These can include:
2. Remove any delivery fee
3. Actions > Audit Comments Log: Paste the Service Desk ticket number, and request details into the notes
4. Save out of the exchange
5. Go back into the exchange, Actions > Split the exchange
6. Invoice the return as per standard operating procedure
7. In the Sales order, select the merchandise tab, and assign the item just involved into the warehouse, to this order.
3. Use this process when fixing a BIE due to a return only partially coming back to TDG:
1. In Storis, go to Enter a Return, and input the return number
2. Copy the Invoice number from the Customer tab
3. Review the Reason Code from the line item you are deleting
4. Review the Payment tab to see if any restocking fees were charged.
5. Delete the item from the return
6. Actions > Audit Comment Log. Enter the following details:
a. Paste the Service Desk ticket number, and request details into the notes
7. Press Save, then press Exit
8. Invoice the Sales Order as per standard operating process
9. Click the green add icon to generate a new return number
10. Enter the sales order number into the Original Order field
11. Choose the return code used in the original return under the reason code column dropdown menu
12. Actions > Audit Comments Log. Paste the Service Desk ticket number, and request details into the notes
14. Press Save
15. Press Exit
16. Press Save
4. Use this process when fixing a BIE if the return item was invoiced into SNL, but did not come back to TDG:
1. In Storis, go into Enter a Stock Adjustment
2. Select the warehouse location
3. Select the item number
4. In the description field, enter: PER TICKET (insert Service Desk ticket number).
5. Change the item from AS IS status to make it good stock.
6. In Storis, go to View Customer Activity and review the Historical Purchases tab to confirm the price of the item, and review the returning salesperson code (SCE1, SB20 etc). This will aid when you have to re-invoice the item
7. In Storis, go to Enter a Sales Order screen and select the green add icon to generate a new Sales Order number.
8. In the Salesperson field, enter in the return salesperson as noted from step vi.
9. Review the Store Location to ensure the correct location has been chosen (080, 092, 777 etc).
10. Enter the item number into the Product field
11. If a price change needs to occur, adjust the price in the Price field
§ Choose STN (Store Level Negotiation) for the reasoning of the price change
§ A box will appear, enter: PER TICKET (insert Service Desk ticket number)
- Schedule the order in the Scheduling tab
12. Actions > Audit Comments Log:
AS PER TICKET (insert Service Desk ticket number and the requesting details)
13. Invoice the order into the guest’s possession.
14. In Storis, go to Enter a Return. Click the green add icon to generate a return number. (we enter replacement documents, we do not approve/decline any change to return/sales
order status, if the store decides to cancel RTN or SO or Service, they can do so after you’ve corrected the buy history)
15. Select the Merchandise tab. In the Product field, enter the item number we originally were returning
16. Ensure the pricing is correct
17. Press Save
18. Select the Customer tab, under contact information, select the Status dropdown menu. Choose CALLBK.
19. Select the next business day in the date field, under the contact information section
20. Action > Audit Comments Log:
AS PER TICKET (insert Service Desk ticket number and the requesting details)
21. Save out of the return
5. Use this process when fixing a BIE due to the exchanged being invoiced in error:
1. Enter a return as per standard operating procedure to bring back the item(s) that was delivered.
2. Enter a sales order (stock adjustment) and invoice the item that was returned as per standard operating procedure
3. Create a new exchange using the new sales order number that was just invoiced.