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  • How to Complete the Invoicing Process

How to Complete the Invoicing Process

In this article:

  1. Overview
  2. Daily Invoicing Procedure
  3. Wrap up
  4. Invoicing Requests Via Service Desk  

1. Overview

The daily invoicing process enables the Delivery Completion Data team to invoice each truck, at the end of the day for all exchanges, COGs, returns and trouble orders. Each region has multiple trucks on the road. Each truck has multiple deliveries or pickups which are called a run number. DCD needs to review each truck, to ensure the invoicing process is completed for all trucks. The below step by step will guide you through the different invoicing scenarios. 


2. Daily Invoicing Procedure

Use this process when completing the daily invoicing process: 

1. In package AI, at the top LHF corner, select the region you want to review from the dropdown menu 

The below image shows all the runs for the region, for that particular date. To change the date, enter the required date, in the date field. 


2. On the top navigation panel, select ‘On Route’ to see what trucks remain on the road completing deliveries so you know which trucks you should start invoicing vs not invoicing. 

4. Choose warehouse from dropdown menu 

5. Enter in today’s date in date field 

6. Enter the run number in route field 

7. Check each run to determine if there are orders that require invoicing 


The below image shows that there are no orders to invoice for this truck run. 


The below image shows that there are orders to invoice for this trucks run. 


8. Go into Package AI to review each delivery on that run. Prior to invoicing, we need to ensure the delivery was successful by having all pieces landed or picked up. To do so, click the actions button on the top right hand corner. Select Orders from the dropdown menu. See image below. 


9. Enter the order number from Storis, in the order box, in Package AI. From here you will be able to review the status. 

Possible statuses 

      § Completed 

      § Cancelled 

      § Failed 



  10. Click the order number to open the order details. (See below image) 



11. Do one of the following: 

      If shows cancelled, mark as cancelled in Storis. To do that complete the following:

            - In Storis, Double click order 

            - Select not complete 

            - Ensure Return to storage location shows SNL and not a real storage location 

            - Press Save 

      If the order was completed: 

            - Press Save 

      If an Exchange was refused, complete the following: 

            - Double click the order number 

            - Select not complete 

            - Ensure Return to storage location shows SNL and not a storage location 

            - Select Actions > Exchange pickup (this shows the pickup did not occur) 

            - Select Actions > Not delivered toggle (this shows the new item was not accepted into the guest possession) 

            - Press OK. This has now updated Storis to reflect neither item was landed or picked up, therefore nothing to invoice off for this order. 

      COG not picked up – how to update Storis for invoicing 

             - Double click the order 

             - Select not complete 

             - Ensure Return to storage location shows SNL and not a storage location   

             - Select Actions > Not delivered toggle (this shows the new item was not accepted into the guest possession) 

             - New Pickup Date field, select next date from calendar 

             - Press OK 

12. Continue reviewing each order in Storis, on that truck run, until all orders reviewed

Note: The only time we have to adjust an order is if the delivery was unsuccessful. 

13. Press Save 

When the prompt appears, do the following: 

      § Enter the reason 

      § Press Save 

Note: if this is a commercial account, we will have this prompt appear, select Yes 



14. Press OK. The run is now invoiced.  

3. Wrap Up

1. In Storis, go to Complete the Delivery Manifest screen. This will allow you to review what trucks are ready for the daily invoicing procedure

Note: We are only invoicing exchanges, COGs, returns and if required, any trouble orders. 

2. Choose warehouse from dropdown menu 

3. Enter in today’s date in date field 

4. Enter the run number in route field 

5. Check each run to determine if there are orders that require invoicing  

4. Invoicing Requests Via Service Desk

We need to verify the ticket is logged by the warehouse before completing. If the ticket was not logged by the warehouse, we need to validate the request by: 

      § review photos on PAI or log a DTR ticket through Service Desk for the warehouse to confirm inventory/product details. 

Ensure the items are attached to the proper product  

Note: Do not invoice from a rack location unless expressly communicated by the warehouse, otherwise we only invoice items from run or SNL locations.) 

Complete the BIE as per standard operating procedure.  

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