Roles and Responsibilities
Guest Care Wage Program 6.0
Included in this article
- Overview
- Starting Wage
- Wage Triggers
- Requirements
- Wage Levels
- Reviews
- KPIs
1. Overview
The Guest Care Wage Program’s primary goal is to reduce turnover in the Guest Care Call Center through an incentive program for agents who meet the qualification standards. The program is based on a stepped wage increase model, driven by minimum requirements at tenure intervals within the team members employment with TDG. This document describes the standards that must be met to qualify for the increase. This programs version takes effect on January 1, 2023. It is our sincere hope that these obtainable results will see our team members have regular increases throughout your tenure with TDG.
2. Starting Wage
CSA’s starting wage is $17.00
3. Wage Triggers
Each of the wage increases for a CSA has specific requirements. Additionally, wage triggers can be delayed or implemented earlier based on management’s evaluation of a team member. Failure to meet the base requirements for a wage trigger will result in evaluation by Guest Care management for one of several possible outcomes:
- Maintain existing wage with extension of the time required to meet the minimum requirements
- A wage increase based on the direction provided by TDG HR/Executive team on yearly increases. Note that once the maximum stepped increase is achieved (or the team member has achieved their maximum level of stepped wage increase), this is the basis for all future wage increases.
- No wage increases until the next evaluation period.
- If multiple wage review quarters were not met, disciplinary action may be taken.
4. Requirements
The base requirements that must be met for all wage increases:
1. An attendance record that reflects:
a. On-time percentage of 5 late/left early instances per less per review period. Team member is considered late if they have not arrived for the scheduled start of their shift. Team member is considered left early if they leave before the end of their schedule shift.
b. 100% attendance on planned workdays
i. Planned workdays are days a team member has a scheduled shift.
c. Guest Care has implemented a point system pertaining to attendance. You will be notified with the next update at key points when you get close to attendance score 1. Attendance score of 1 or higher will exclude you from being qualified for increase.
i. 1 Absent = 1 Attendance Score
ii.1 Late / Left Early = 0.166 Attendance Score
Note: Make up shifts will be approved based on business need in 2022 (not guaranteed)
ii. Qualified absences are per the employee policy manual i.e. TDG PLD days are exempted
iii. Exemptions are medical documentation
2. Completion of all required training as outlined by Training Specialist / Team Leads
3. Meet KPI requirements
4. No disciplinary action within the review period.
5. Wage Levels
The timeline is based on bi-annual review:
A team member that meets all the requirements could receive a wage increase based on their tenure after 6 and12 months provided all requirements are met. This means they
could be making $18 / hour within two full evaluation periods (one year) of working with TDG.
6. Reviews
Wage Evaluation Meetings will be conducted in the first month post the bi-yearly evaluation timeline.

7. KPIs
There are three metrics (in addition to training, disciplinary and attendance requirements) that need to be met; quality, utilization, and calls per hours, to achieve the next stepped waged increase.
Call Quality:
Call Quality is a measure of how well an agent meets the standards expected for the interaction with our guests. It is based on the evaluation of a recorded or live call by an evaluator using a standardized checklist of expectations focused on both conversation and resolution. (See CSA call quality form).
Agent Utilization:
Agent utilization is the amount of time an agent is taking care of a guest. This includes both inbound and outbound calls for a better the guest experience.
Calls per hour:
Calls per hour is the number of calls made and taken during hours logged in.

Disclaimer – We are currently reviewing our Cisco reporting and productivity calculations; therefore we may see updates here in the near future.
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