Open Order Management (OOM)
Scheduling a Transfer
Included in this article:
- Overview
- Reserve Merchandise to the Fulfillment of the Sales Order
- Change the Fulfillment Location
- Pick up Fulfillment Locations
- Delivery Fulfillment Locations
- Schedule the Order
- Important
- Reviewing Transfers
1. Overview
The transfer process is used is used for slip seat pick up locations and store direct delivery location. There are three steps to scheduling a transfer order, including:
- There is a full fulfillment
- Change the fulfillment location
- Schedule the order
2. Reserve Merchandise to the fulfillment of the Sales Order
1. In Storis, go to Enter a Sales Order.
2. Enter the sales order number into the Order Number field and press Tab.
3. In the Merchandise tab, review the table grid to make sure the product is reserved to the sales order.
Note: If merchandise is not reserved, you need to wait until reserved before creating an auto transfer

3. Change the Fulfillment Location
Changing the fulfillment to the store warehouse creates the auto transfer in Storis.
1. In the Sales Order, click the fulfillment tab
2. Based on fulfillment select the correct fulfillment transfer to location from the fulfillment Location drop down menu.
4. Pick up Fulfillment Locations

5. Delivery Fulfillment Locations

6. Schedule the Order
Use the following process to Schedule the order:
1. With the fulfillment tab, click the date field
2. Select the desired date from the “current date” calendar based on the earliest Available date
3. Click the Status field and select Schedule
4. Click Additional information
5. Ensure contact status is blank
6. Click Save
7. Click Actions and select Update Audit Comments.
8. Update the Audit Comments Log
9. Save the sales order
7. Important
- Automatic transfer scheduling is set at 1 day prior to fulfillment date. If your transfer date is Thursday, the fulfillment date should be Friday. This allows for a transfer day.
- Order remains in SCH status until guest physically picks up, Past due review will catch any orders not picked up or landed
- If Capacity is full for a desired date a pop up will populate for the user. A new transfer date is recommended (always will be next available transfer day). Communication with our guest is mandatory.

8. Reviewing Transfers
Review any required transfer using the Logistical Scheduling screen.
1. In Storis, go to Logistical Scheduling.
2. Select delivery from location from drop down menu.
3. Select Transfers from the Schedule field.
4. Select your Transfer to Location from drop down menu.
5. Select the required Start and End dates from the calendar.
6. Press Tab. The Confirm Schedule tab becomes active.
7. Click the Confirm Schedule tab to review all scheduled transfers.

Note: Select the line item and change as required.
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