Managing Sales Orders
Managing Orders with Past Due Ship Dates
Included in this article:
- Overview
- Past Due Procedure
- Available to Promise Date cannot be Determined
- Expired Financing
- How to Run Past Due Report via Vamoo
1. Overview
Any order with a Past Due ship date needs to be reviewed to ensure order integrity and complete any required adjustments. An order is considered past due when the order has a
scheduled or estimated date that is greater than 1 day.
Example: Order is EST June 15th and today is June 16th. The order is considered past due.
Issues that will display in this view include:
- Accessory pick-up from the store that has not been completed
- Guest pick-up from the DC that has not been picked up by the guest
- Delivery orders that were estimated that dates have lapsed for a variety of reasons
- Orders that are EST/ SCH two days past delivery date
2. Past Due Procedure
Use this procedure when managing and updating Past Due orders:
1. In Storis, go into the order
2. Do one of the following:
a. If the order is scheduled,
i. Select the Fulfillment tab
ii. Move the fulfillment date forward to equal to or the closest date after the ATP date
iii. Push the date again, if the ATP date changes. Repeat until the ATP date doesn’t change
iv. Review to see if there are any remaining fulfillments, if so, repeat
v. Exit out of the order by selecting SUPPLCHN on the automatic Audit Comment Log options
b. If the order is estimated,
i. Select the Fulfillment tab
ii. Review the Audit Comments Log to ensure the product was not delivered or picked up
§ If so, submit a DCD ticket through Service Desk for DCD to invoice off the delivered item(s), or email CPU to invoice off the picked-up items(s)
§ Update the Audit Comments Log
iii. If not, Move the fulfillment date forward to equal to or the closest date after the ATP date
iv. Push the date again if the ATP date changes. Repeat until the ATP date doesn’t change
v. Review to see if there are any remaining fulfillments, if so, repeat
vi. Exit out of the order by selecting SUPPLCHN on the automatic Audit Comment Log options
3. Available to Promise Date could not be Determined
At times, you may encounter a order that states ‘Available to Promise Date can not be determined’. This would be noted in the fulfillment tab of the order. This is Storis advising that an item on the order is discontinued. Complete the following process when this occurs:
1. Identify which item is now discontinued
2. Email selling location to advise of the discontinued item
a. Send a ticket to EComm if this is a web order
3. Update Contact Status to HOLD
4. Update Contact Date to 3 business days away
5. Adjust fulfillment date to 3 business days away
6. Update Audit Comments Log
4. Expired Financing
When reviewing past due orders, you may encounter orders that have expired financing. Complete the following process when this occurs:
1. Delete financing line from order
2. Email the selling location to notify of expired financing
a. Log EComm ticket if this pertains to a web order
3. Update Contact Status to BALDUE
4. Update Contact Date to 3 business days away
5. Adjust fulfillment to 3 business days away
6. Update Audit Comments Log
5. How to fun Past Due Report via Vamoo (View and Manage Open Orders)
See the following article on how to run the current outstanding past due report.