Managing Sales Orders
Managing Orders with Dancing ATP Dates
Included in this article:
- Overview
- Processing ATP Dates
- Examples of Dancing ATP Date
1. Overview
During the scheduling of sales orders, the Available to Promise (ATP) date may ‘dance’. OOM is responsible for reviewing the sales order and correcting the delivery dates as required. A dancing ATP date occurs when there is a broken promise (ATP date is after estimated or scheduled delivery date) for a particular item. Depending on the sequence of sales orders and purchase orders, a guest may be moved to an ATP date that shuffles enough guests ahead of them to cause ATP to change again.
2. Processing ATP Dates
Stores contact Guest Care to communicate a dancing ATP. The Guest Care Agent determines if there is a legitimate dancing ATP concern. Use the following procedure to process sales
orders with dancing ATP dates caused by the guest changing their delivery date.
- OOM receives the request or answers the call and researches the order.
- In the Merchandise tab, verify the ATP date and schedule the delivery date for the item numbers listed.
- In the Customer tab of the sales order, update the Next Date field to the determine the window of dates you can offer the guest without the ATP date dancing.
- Contact the guest and offer their original delivery date. If the guest does not want the original delivery date, offer the window of dates, and reschedule accordingly.
3. Example of a Dancing ATP Date

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