Guest Care Resolutions
TDG Resolution Stream
Included in this article:
- Overview
- Why the Resolution Stream Important
- Guest Care Resolution Stream is as follows:
- What I need to know to determine the correct resolution:
1. Overview
The TDG Resolution Stream is used for determining what options are available for resolving a guest concern or issue. The TDG Resolution Stream follows a very specific order that a Guest Care Agent uses to help determine which resolution(s) should be presented (Yes, sometimes you should be using more than one)! A Guest Care Agent can provide guests with multiple options to choose from depending on the situation. In determining resolutions, we always work from the top of Resolution Stream to the bottom. TDG uses two Resolution Streams, one for manufacture warranty and one for extended warranty.
2. Why the Resolution Stream Important
- Empowers the guest by providing them several options they can choose from to resolve their product issues or concerns
- It is cost effective for the organization – Example) Sending a gift card is less costly than an exchange (order new product, route, reminder calls, etc.) or cost of a technician
- Provides The consistency among all Guest Care Agents when making a decision – everyone follows the same TDG Resolution Stream Theconsistency among all Guest Care Agents when making a decision – everyone follows the same TDG Resolution Stream
- Prevent unnecessary replacements (bringing in stock we wouldn’t necessarily need which takes up room in warehouses, etc.)
3. The Guest Care Resolution Stream is as follows:

Note: PPP Leather Gift Cards amount is 40%, PPP Leather Price Adjustments amount is 30%.
4. What I need to know to determine the correct resolution:
- Is the product under manufacture or extended warranty?
- Is the concern a warrantable issue, covered under the guests warranty plan(s)?
- Was the item sold AS IS?
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