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Guest Care Escalations

Included in this article:

  1. Overview
  2. How do we Receive Escalations? 
  3. What Happens when I need to Escalate a Concern? 

1. Overview

Escalations occur when our guest is unsatisfied with our resolution options or feels that the person who they are speaking with is unable or unwilling to assist. A Guest will typically request to speak with a Supervisor, Manager or someone higher in the company.  

2. How do we Receive Escalations?

Escalations flow from any of the six sources listed below:

  • Live call (Store, Service Center, CPU)
  • Service Desk Ticket
  • Emails (Store, Home Office, etc.)
  • Mediation Service (BBB, Consumer Protection, etc.)
  • Financial Institute (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)
  • Manufacture received claims via AFI Customer Service 

3. What Happens when I need to Escalate a Concern?

Use the following procedure when escalating a guests concern:

1. Call your Supervisor to review the situation. Remember, if your Supervisor is unavailable the call will be redirected to an available Supervisor after 5 minutes.  

2. Let your Supervisor know what is happening with the guest.  

3. Your Supervisor provides you with some recommendations to offer to the guest. 

4. Return to the guest’s call and attempt to de-escalate the situation by offering the approved solutions from your Supervisor.  

5. Do one of the following: 

      a) If you can resolve the concern with the guest, end the call and thank the guest for their time. Update the service order accordingly. No further action is required. 

      b) If you cannot resolve the concern with the guest, escalate the call to your Supervisor to discuss the concern with the Guest. If your Supervisor is unavailable to take the call immediately, advise Guest that they will reach out within 24 hours.  

6. One of the following will occur:  

      a) If resolved, your Supervisor will inform you of the outcome and next steps. 

      b) If your Supervisor is unable to resolve the situation with the guest, they will call the Assistant Manager to review and or resolve with the guest.  

      c) If your Assistant Manager is unable to resolve the situation with the guest, they will call the Manager to review and or resolve with the guest. 

      d) If your Manager is unable to resolve the situation with the guest, they will call the Director of Guest Care to review and or resolve with the guest. At this point, the Director of Guest Care will work to resolve the concern and notify you of the outcome.  

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