Guest Care Resolutions
Included in this article:
- Overview
- When to use E-Comm Virtual Service Desk
- Link
1. Overview
TDG's E-Comm department deals with our guests who place their orders online through our websites. Should we have a guest who purchased online and requires reselection, to cancel their order, or qualifies for a price match, we would need to complete the following processes.
2. When to use E-Comm Virtual Service Desk
If a guest has an e-commerce order request, please review the following scenarios on how to action the request:
- Guest wants to Re-select
Add ‘RESELECT’ to the Sale Merchandise tab
- Guest wants to Cancel
Update Contact Status to CANCEL
Update Contact Date to 3 days from today’s date
- Guest wants Price Match
Log into the Virtual Teams Service Desk, and fill out the appropriate form
- Guest wants copy of their receipt – Log into the Virtual Team Service Desk and request on the behalf of the guest.
3. Virtual Service Desk Link
Virtual Service Desk Link: