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  • Arranging In-Shop Service (COGs)

Arranging In-Shop Service (COGs)

Included in this article:

  1. Overview
  2. Arranging In-Shop Repair Procedure

1. Overview

In Shop repairs allow our technicians the space and tools they need to complete large repairs, which would hinder the guest’s experience. This includes refinishing and frame repair. In Shop repairs are referred to as Guest Owned Goods (COGs). A product will only be brought in shop to repair based upon a technician’s recommendation and a Guest Care Agent qualification. Three components are required to properly execute on a COG, including: 

      § Schedule the Pick-up (Guest to Distribution Centre) 

      § Schedule the Repair (Schedule a Technician) 

      § Schedule the Re-delivery (Distribution Centre to Guest) 

If the guest is located outside of our service area, they would be responsible for the transportation of the product to and from TDG.  

We require for the product to be in our possession for 1 week. 

Important: If a decision is made to exchange, reselect or refund the item that is coming in-shop for repair, and the item is in TDG possession, we need to email that distribution center repair and SNL teams to advise, so that the repair process can be stopped.

2. Arranging In-Shop Repairs Procedure

Use this procedure when arranging a in-shop repair with our guest:


1. In Storis, go to Enter a Service Order, and input the Customer Service Order number. 

2. Review the Technician Report in the Problem Code and Text to confirm in shop repair of the COG is required.  

3. Contact the guest as we will need to speak with them to arrange the COG process 

4. Remove the route code in the Customer Tab. Respond Yes to the prompt. 

5. Select a date approximately two weeks away from today’s date in the Service Date field 

6. In the Status field, choose Estimated from the dropdown menu 

7. Click Actions and select Convert to In-Shop Service. 

8. Select the COG tab in the left hand navigation pane 

9. Select Add Item 

10. Select the required line item and click the checkmark. Storis directs you to the Customer Service COG Entry screen. 

Note: Depending on where the guest is located, will determine if you receive a prompt asking you to select a route code. If so, double click on the guest’s preference. During Spring Roads limitations in Manitoba, please select “Spring Roads” route code option, if the guest resides on a spring road. 

11. Press OK to prompt 

12. Enter REPSHOP into the New Storage Location field. 

13. Do one of the following: 

       a. Select Guest Drop Off if the guest is dropping the product off at our Distribution Centre.  

       b. Select Delivery Pickup if the Delivery Team is picking the product up from the guest’s home. 

14. Choose a pickup date with the guest and update the Move Date accordingly. 

Note: This date has to be before the estimated service date that was selected in the Customer tab, on step 5. 

15. Click Save. You’re returned to the COG tab of the service order.  

16. Press OK to prompt. 

17. Go to the Customer tab, click on the calendar icon in the Service Date field and select the next available date immediately after the scheduled pick-up date (do not schedule for weekends). 

Example: Pick up date is Friday, we would choose Monday in the Service Date field

18. Choose Scheduled in the Status dropdown menu 

19. Select the COG tab on the left hand navigation pane, and choose Add Item 

20. Select the required line item and click the checkmark. Storis directs you to the Customer Service COG Entry screen. 

21. Do one of the following: 

       a. Select Guest Drop Off if the guest is picking up the product at our Distribution Centre.  

       b. Select Delivery Pickup if the Delivery Team is delivering the product to the guest’s home. 

22. Choose a re-delivery date with the guest and update the Move Date accordingly. 

       o This date needs to be a minimum of 1 week away from the scheduled pick-up date 

23. Click Save, then OK 

24. Go to the Customer tab and in the Last Date field, enter today’s date 

25. Set the Next Date field for the same day as the scheduled in shop repair (the date chosen in step 17). 

26. Enter your Storis ID into the Coordinator field 

27. Go to the Merchandise tab and update the Service Status to COG 

       o Select Edit on the line item(s) you are repairing in-shop 

       o Update Service Status to COG 

       o Press Save 

28. Go to the Labor tab 

29. Complete the following 

       a. Delete inspection labor line 

               i. Press Remove 

               ii. Respond Yes to prompt 

       b. Add in repair labor. The amount of time required will be noted in the Problem Code & Text within the Merchandise tab. 

               i. Select Add Item

               ii. From Service Line drop down menu, select the item number of the product we want to add the repair labor for 

               iii. Enter REPAIR in the Labor Product field 

               iv. Enter time required for repair in ‘Time’ field 

               v. Press Save 

               vi. Double click the line item in the grid 

               vii. Enter in charges as per standard operating procedure  

               viii. Press Save

30. Select Actions > Audit Comments Log > Update Comments. Add your notes: 







31. Press Save 

32. Press Exit 

33. Press Save twice   

Important: If a decision is made to exchange, reselect or refund the item that is coming in-shop for repair, and the item is in TDG possession, we need to email that distribution center repair and SNL teams to advise, so that the repair process can be stopped.  

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