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Included in this article:

  1. Overview
  2. In-Home Technician Required
  3. How does the CSO become Scheduled?
  4. Tickle Timelines

1. Overview

TDG Guest Care started servicing our Dryden guests as of October 31, 2022. Use this article to determine how to schedule an in home technician for our Dryden guests.

2. In-Home Technician Required

Use the following process when you need to schedule an in home technician appointment for our Dryden guests:  

  1. Create CSO as per standard operating procedure  
  2. In the Merchandise tab, press Edit  
  3. Change the Technician field to DRY  
  4. Go to the Customer tab, change the status to Pending  
  5. Update the Next Contact to the following Tuesday 
  6. Inform guest that technician will reach out to schedule appointment within the next 2 weeks approximately.   
  7. Update the Audit Comments Log  
  8. Save out of the CSO   

3. How does the CSO become scheduled?

Once we have placed the CSO into a Pending status, it will be reviewed each Monday by the Business Management team. They will then proceed to send the CSO details to the technician and update the status to Estimated.

Once confirmation is obtained from the technician that an appointment date has been booked with the guest, the Business Management team will update the CSO status to Scheduled.  


4. Tickle Timelines when scheduling in home technician for Dryden

  • Pending = Tuesday 
  • Estimated = 2 weeks  
  • Scheduled = day after scheduled date, if unknown, end of month    

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